Sunday, March 25, 2012

Amanda Mikaelsson

Name: Amanda Mikaelsson       

What do you do? 
I write/play music and do pencil drawings. I am a music composition major at SJSU.

Where can we find your work?
My music has been featured at local concerts and performances. Upcoming dates: March 28th 7:30pm at Le Petit Theater downtown SJ, and April 11th 7:30pm at SJSU concert hall

What inspires you to create and how do you keep motivated when things get tough?
Creating is my passion. When I create music or art I am excited and happy.  The tough times just fuel my creativity.

What do you think is more important content/finished product or technique/process?
I think the technique and process is important. As an artist, the process is the part that gives me joy. The experience of creating is exhilarating. The finished product is also important because it can convey a message to the audience.

Who are some people who influence and/or inspire you?
My younger brother passed away a few years ago. His memory always inspires me. Different people in my life inspire me everyday: family, friends, and people that come and go. Everyone has a story and I like to use that in my art.

If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
Spongebob because he is carefree, fun, creative, and happy.

When do you get your best ideas?
No specific place or time. If I see or hear something that strikes me I get inspired.

What materials/tools do you use most to create your work?
I use a Pencil for art. I use a piano and the computer to write my music.

Are you self taught or formally educated? How do you think that has influenced or affected your work?
I was self taught in music and applied to music school at SJSU. After making it in the program I began learning about music theory, music history, and new applications of music. It broadened my expectations for myself in music and music composition.
I am self taught in drawing. I have never taken an art class. I have participated in forums online to get new insight. Being self taught keeps my art very personal. One could argue that not being educated about pencil drawing can keep me from growing.

What would your creative work taste like?
A buffet. There are many different things you can eat and try and experience. There are so many styles in the music I like to create. My art would probably taste like sushi. I draw portraits, and you can expect a clean picture.

When you are not creating what do you like to do?
I like to see my friends and family. I like to cook, swim, play the piano, and watch movies.

How did you learn to access your creative talents and gain the confidence to put it out there for everyone to experience?
My family was always supportive of my art.

What advice would you give others just beginning their creative adventures?  
Believe in yourself and your creativity. 


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jon Landry

Name: Jon Landry 

What do you do?
In terms of just artwork I like to draw & paint.  In terms of being an artist, I like to imagine that the choices we make in life are like the choices made on the canvas; sometimes we go here, sometimes we go there, sometimes we fuck up - but in the end it's the finished product that's judged.  Being an artist is more than just painting - to paint
is simply a profession. Art is changing your life.

Where can we find your work?

The easiest answer would be - but I'm not hard to find. My work has been displayed in a number of places across Chicago, San Diego, & finally back home in San Jose.  Really grateful to a lot of good people I’ve met in the SJ Artisans community for early opportunities.  Keep it in the hood, y'all.

What inspires you to create & how do you keep motivated when things get tough?
Being an artist is the ultimate rebellion - it's flipping off society with both kickstands & defying a life centered around consumption. It's choosing a life according to the cry of your heart, regardless of how the chips may fall.  Personally I'm still learning about the
message, but what inspires me to create is the fact that the only time I can really find peace is when I'm drawing.  I need that time to myself in the lab, I need that time for reflection.  It's therapy for me, it's an obsession.  The thought that I don't have to live a life around a commute & a paycheck - that's pretty fuckin' inspiring.

My grandmother had a simple mantra for when things get tough - 'so what?'  Life is a constant struggle; things are always going to get tough, there's always gonna be a monkey wrench thrown into your plans, & shit is always gonna happen.  But so what? How are you gonna handle the inevitable adversity life throws your way?  You can't just crumble underneath it - you've got to roll with the punches, you've got to be able to perform under pressure.  I like to remember that I’ve got all my fingers & toes, I'm not in the hospital or in jail, I can speak English perfectly fine & I’ve really got nothing to complain about.
Keep moving, keep fighting, & keep getting better.

What do you think is more important content/finished product or technique/process?
You could make legitimate arguments either way, but both hold their own intrinsic value.  I don't know that either is more important than the other - honestly I think it's all just one big kickass experience.

Who are some people who influence and/or inspire you?
My mother was hands-down the strongest person I’ve ever known – my sense of will, determination, tenacity & perseverance all come from her.  My father on the other hand was hands-down the wisest person I’ve ever known - "If you open your mind to the realm of possibilities, that which is impossible - happens."  Without the influence of these two individuals I would never have had a chance. There's really no close second, but I suppose I could round out the top five with Banksy, Harry Chapin, & John Madden.

If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - Kurt Cobain
That being said, I'd go with Batman.  Definitely Batman.

When do you get your best ideas?
3:00-7:00am.  At home, drawin' pictures, of mountaintops.

What materials/tools do you use most to create your work?
Pencils, erasers, & a whole helluva lot of sharpies.  Acrylic paints on canvas, detail brushes, & high-gloss varnish.

Are you self taught or formally educated?  How do you think that has influenced or affected your work?
Self taught - I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid but just started painting about five years ago.  Learning as I go has it's pros & cons just like anything else - it's exciting to find new tools o or techniques as I learn, & then there is of course the whole 'Sinatra'
factor.  But it can be debilitating too; ignorance is crippling, knowledge is power, so it's a constant search for learning, whether you're in school or not.  "There's more than one way to an education, & maybe I prefer the one I got." - Benny Binion

what would your creative work taste like?
Pork chops & whiskey.  And no fancy-schmancy shit either - maybe a little apple sauce but that's it.

When you are not creating what do you like to do?
I like meeting other artists & just stand-up genuine people in San Jose.  I like finding opportunities to help people & thinking about how I can be an asset for my community & how I might be able to make things better (even if just a little).  I like to meet my neighbors & explore the city, find the old spots & check out the new ones.  But there is absolutely nothing - I mean nothing - like tailgating from 5:00am at the Oakland Coliseum on game day.  I love that shit.  Go Raiders!!!

How did you learn to access your creative talents & gain the confidence to put it out there for everyone to experience?
To be honest, I kinda just backdoored into this.  From the beginning I’ve had trouble taking credit for my work because I never felt that this was something that I did - this wasn't something I aimed to do or studied for or accomplished - this was something that happened to me. Through a set of meaningless circumstances, I made a drawing for
someone, & other people saw it, & it took off from there.  People gave me a lot of positive feedback, but I can't say I really needed the extra confidence - it's still so new to me, & I still just love it so much, I'm gonna do what I do regardless of what people may think."Don't think about making art.  Just get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, if they love it or hate it.  While they're deciding, make even more art." -  Andy Warhol

What advice would you give others just beginning their creative adventures?
It's about substance, it's about meaning, it's about will.  Be true to yourself.  Follow the cry of your heart.  Stay focused.  Keep getting better.
Commitment.  Sacrifice.  Discipline.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Donna Orme

Name:  Donna Orme


What do you do?
Printmaking, Mixed Media Artist

Where can we find your work?
Los GatosMuseums Gallery, 24 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos, CA 95030-5917, Gallery Hours:  Tue-Fri, 10am-5:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-3pm.   Additional shows posted on my website.

What inspires you to create and how do you keep motivated when things get tough?
I consider myself an experimental artist and enjoy trying new techniques.  I am inspired by my surroundings and am motivated by the task at hand and my involvement with the environment.  Therefore, I am always motivated.      

What do you think is more important content/finished product or technique/process?

Who are some people who influence and/or inspire you?
Joe Price—my teacher at the College of San Mateo; Alan May, my teacher at the Pacific Art League; the great masters—Paul Klee, Wassily Kandisky, Joan Miró and current artists at galleries who produce abstract works.


If you could be any fictional character who would you be?
I would be Mildred Pierce, the character played by Kate Winslet in the HBO production of the movie.  I identify with a mother figure having raised one daughter and two sons.

When do you get your best ideas?
My surroundings are an inspiration to creativity whether it be something in the studio, an idea sparked from a meeting of my fellow artists or the solitude of a walk in the neighborhood.

What materials/tools do you use most to create your work?
I use acrylic paint, printmaking oil-based inks, BFK Rives paper, Asian papers for collage and a variety of scraping tools.

Are you self taught or formally educated, how do you think that has influenced or affected your work?  
Although I attended the local community college and local art venues, I continue to learn by experimentation and personal desire to try new things.

What would your creative work taste like?
Cherrios—I do a lot of work that has the shape of a circle.

When you are not creating what do you like to do?
I crochet afghans and garments.  I like to swim, take walks and enjoy the company of my husband.

How did you learn to access your creative talents and gain the confidence to put it out there for everyone to experience?
My first experience with showing my talent to the public was producing and selling Better Homes and Gardens craft kits to customers via a home party-plan venue.  I learned to talk in front of a large group and how to promote and sell a product.

What advice would you give others just beginning their creative adventures?
 Social networking is important.  Try joining a local organization and get involved.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mike Borja

Name:  Mike Borja    

What do you do?
Right now, this very moment, I am watching a lot of Dexter and Work of Art: The Next Great Artist. The T.V. shows are connecting for some odd reason because there’s a girl named Kathryn, on The Next Great Artist who creates art that looks like blood splattered organs laying on top of white sheets of plastic. Dexter is a serial killer who kills serial killers and has a creative process doing it. Work of Art is interesting to watch because each artist has a very different art background and style. For example: graffiti, video, pop, installation, performance, and serial killers. Just kidding.
I actually get this nostalgic feeling watching the Work of Art, because it reminds me of school and being creative and experimental in a classroom with a bunch of crazy brilliant artist.
I just love being creative no matter what and where the situation is. But my goal right now is to try and push my creativity into new levels.

Where can we find your work?
You can find my work at the Kaleid Gallery in San Jose, CA.
 I’m also currently painting on an electric box on 7th & Santa Clara by City Restaurant in San Jose. Look out for a Dog House & Aquarium if you’re around the area.

What inspires you to create and how do you keep motivated when things get tough?
What inspires me the most is other artist. I love seeing other people’s creativity whether it be art, music, performance, and poetry; and it inspires me to be creative. The best reference for creativity is in life and nature.

What do you think is more important content/finished product or technique/process?
I think they all go hand in hand, but I do enjoy technique and process.
Who are some people who influence and/or inspire you?
Right now I’m extremely inspired by Little Dragon, Case In Theory(SJ), BadBadNotGood, my girlfriend Cha,, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Klaus Dona, J-Squared(SJ), Mars-1,, music, the flea market, mom, dad, astronomicalkid, and those are some of the things off the top of my noggin .
Oh, also Jiddu Krishnamurti who is a super far out thinker. I believe the character, Yoda from Star Wars is somewhat based on Krishnamurti. If you listen to his audio lectures they sound very alike. Also, I found out recently that George Lucas created a little documentary on Krishnamurti and put his actual character in, “The Young Indian Jones” series. Look him up.
This is my art inspiration website. Check it out.

If you could be any fictional character who would you be?

When do you get your best ideas?
I wait for an AHA! EUREKA! moment from deep in the collective subconscious.  

What materials/tools do you use most to create your work?
Right now I’ve been collecting a bunch of tools, but I’ve been spending more time on the computer!?

Are you self taught or formally educated? How do you think that has influenced or affected your work?
I was self taught as a kid. I used to go to libraries and grab all the how to draw books and have drawing sessions with my cousins. Mario paint was the best! And then I went to school at AAU San Francisco and did New Media for a couple years and then decided to get into Fine Arts.

What would your creative work taste like?
More like what it would smell like…Mr. sketch markers, sharpies, scratch and sniff stickers,

When you are not creating what do you like to do?
Eat! There is eating in creating haha.

How did you learn to access your creative talents and gain the confidence to put it out there for everyone to experience?
I always loved visually expressing myself be it through the body, on paper, through music, and video. my mom always loved my stuff, which gave me confidence to put it out there.

What advice would you give others just beginning their creative adventures?  
If you have a creative thought or an idea, start creating it right away or else that excitement will make you feel like you already did it and you’ll end up not doing it. If you have had thoughts (like I once did) that say, it’s too hard, you can’t do it, I’m not good enough, there are others way better than me… don’t listen to them and just watch them pass on by.
Those are creative inhibitor thoughts that like to keep you busy and distracted in your mind. Just start creating something with any tools in front of you and keep doing what you’re doing! You can use your imagination to be creative in the craziest ways. Also, do you research on other artist to inspire you. Create and represent your vision!
Forget thinking about what you’re going and have to be in the future. I mean there’s nothing wrong with having a little thought of the future, but now is the time of all possibilities which creates your past and your future at the same time.